Aangezien deze pagina begonnen/aan het beginnen is als een combinatieprobeersel van vele vroegere ideeën, theorieën en impulsiviteiten kan het volgende niet ontbreken. In de zomer van 2009 werd ik getagd in iemands opsomming van 25 random weetjes over zichzelf met de opdracht hetzelfde te doen. Nu zijn we een dikke 3 jaar verder en vind ik het stiekem bijzonder coolio dat ’t nog (praktisch) allemaal vollenbak waarheden zijn. Consistentie for the win! Of hoe je ongestoord kan volharden in je vreemdheid.
Lach er eens mee, herken misschien een absurd kantje van jezelf (dat zou tof zijn) en drop jullie lijstje met speciale kantjes in de reacties (dat zou extra tof zijn).
Lieve zoentjes.
1. Within exactly 3 weeks, 3 days and 3 hours I’ll be jumping up and down to The Nookie at Limp Bizkit’s show at Werchter, feeling 14 again.
2. For every vegetarian I know, I eat a steak extra.
3. I get goosebumps whenever more than 500 people sing the same song together, sometimes it makes me cry.
4. At the age of 8, I visited pornsites on the internet just to see what all the fuzz was about. I found it rather dissapointing.
5. I would be a great world emperor for 6 months, then I’d get bored and abuse my power.
6. I get bored easily. This list bores me already. I’ll finish later. (I like stalling)
7. Boys with guitars turn me on. Especially basses.
8. One of my favourite dreams is where I do all kinds of nasty things with Mauro (Pawlowski) surrounded by his guitars. I like nasty dreams.
9. Never make me choose between Family Guy or Scrubs.
10. I’m 1/8 Spanish. It’s a great excuse for just about everything.
11. Around snobs I’m the alternative one. Around alternatives I’m the snob.
12. Everybody knows a piece of me, nobody can handle the full package.
13. The hungrier, the meaner I get. Feed me regularly.
14. Skiing compensates my lack of sexual intercourse.
15. Not a day goes by without a bit of dancing.
16. I get annoyed by people who can’t see things in perspective and think whatever problem they have is an inevitable disaster.
17. If I finish this list before this song ends I’ll pass every exam the next 3 years.
18. I find strangers very interesting, especially when they’re a bit bizarre.
19. I tend to lose myself in music and then try to hold on to that feeling the rest of the day.
20. Among girls, I’m the guy. Around gays, I’m the guyest guy.
21. Several weekends in the nineties were spent making my own radioshows on tape. Including made-up cd-releases, news highlights, interviews and wheatherforecasts.
22. I probably won’t pass every exam the next 3 years.
23. In Florida I saw a man so fat he fell through his lawnchair. I laughed really loud.
24. Bellybuttons are magical. When I’m nervous I play with mine.
25. I have so many better and more interesting things to do than this.