
Fictie // Ending or beginning?

I was alone. I had been stolen, sold and left behind. I had tried, I had believed, I had faith. I went with the flow and watched the outcome happen by itself. I’ve been disgusted, demotivated and demolished. I’ve tried to understand and to adapt. I’ve had enough. Of all of it. It’s not an excuse for what I did, but merely an explanation. I don’t expect them to understand, let alone to agree. I never intended things to go this way, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Though I’m speeding my way out of here as fast as I can, I wouldn’t say I’m on the run. On the opposite, I chose this path deliberately. Packing my bags and driving into the night not knowing where the hell I’ll end up was a well thought-out decision. Maybe I’ll regret it, maybe I won’t. Whatever happens next, it’s out of my hands and I’ll see it when I get there. But for now, I’m just happy watching the sun set behind the mountains and knowing I’m still alive.